Inicio / Bachelor’s Degrees / Dual Degree in Business Management and Administration and Computer Engineering

This dual degree comes from the BSc in Business Management and Administration and the BSc in Computer Engineering and operates as a specific curriculum (with a specific pre-enrolment code and a specific number of places offered annually, 10). It consists of a total of 387 ECTS distributed over 6 academic years, 12 semesters, with 66 credits in the first year, 60 credits in the second year, 63 credits in the third year, 72 credits in the fourth year, 60 credits in the fifth year and 66 credits in the sixth year.

The Dual Degree students will join the class groups of the respective Bachelor’s Degrees In order to guarantee the timetable compatibility in every semester of the Dual Degree, the study plan has been designed, as far as possible, with an annual rotation, meaning that almost every semester the student will study in one of the Faculties responsible for this degree. The Dual Degree has the following structure:

  • First year: The students will take the modules of the 1st year of the BSc in Computer Engineering. Additionally, students will take 2 modules of the 1st year of the BSc in Business Management and Administration, one in each semester.
  • Second year: The students will take the modules of the 2nd year of the BSc in Computer Engineering.
  • Third year: The students will take the remaining modules of the 1st year and part of the subjects of the 2nd year of the BSc in Business Management and Administration.
  • Fourth year: The student will take the modules of the 3rd year of the BSc in Computer Engineering. They will also take the remaining modules of the 2nd year of the BSc in Business Management and Administration, two in each semester.
  • Fifth year: The student will take the modules of the 3rd year of the BSc in Business Management and Administration.
  • Sixth year: The student will take the modules of the 4th year of the BSc in Computer Engineering, and this is the recommended year to do the Internships at external entities, in one of the two Bachelor’s degrees. Two Undergraduate Dissertations, one for the BSc in Business Administration and Management and another the BSc in Computer Engineering, will also be required.

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